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Exercise Your Leadership Muscles
Our contribution to the world is diminished by our lack of connection. The longer we stay apart, the harder it will be to reconnect.
Read MoreWe Need To Calm Down To Find Our Reasoned Choice
A basic concept of the ancient philosophy of Stoicism is captured in the idea of Reasoned Choice. A quote from the Greek philosopher Epictetus sheds light on the meaning of Reasoned Choice.
Read MoreWhat is my role in this?
Being curious allows you to ask, “What is at the root of what is going on here?” and “What is my role in this?”
Read MoreThere’s a Bit of Stan in Each of Us
Acute anxiety is a transient state of heightened stress caused by circumstances that feel threatening. One is typically very aware of the threat and consciously aware of acute anxiety. When you’re speeding down the highway, the flashing red lights of the police car pulling you over cause acute anxiety.
Read MoreStan and The Four D’s
Acute anxiety is a transient state of heightened stress caused by circumstances that feel threatening. One is typically very aware of the threat and consciously aware of acute anxiety. When you’re speeding down the highway, the flashing red lights of the police car pulling you over cause acute anxiety.
Read MoreLearn RL: Weekly Insights, Viewpoints, & Resources
Follow our weekly updates for insights and practices offered by our Certified RL Coaches and Trainers. Learn with and from these RL experts as they work to deepen their knowledge and practice of Resilient Leadership.
What is the pathway forward from a VUCA Challenge?
The level of anxiety we face worldwide is extreme and escalating due to a confluence of many complex issues. As a leader, you are the one people look to for clear direction, encouragement, and stability.
Read MoreNavigating Resistance: A Leader’s Guide
Leaders face many situations as they attempt to lead change. Inevitably, they bump up against resistance that feels like deliberate sabotage and often struggle with how to respond.
Read MoreToxicity in the Workplace: A Conversation We Need to Have
In toxic work environments, employees experience high levels of stress, communication is limited, blame becomes the norm, and harmful attitudes and actions are rewarded.
Read MoreUsing Physical Relaxation Practices to be Less Anxious
Leaders face significant challenges as they attempt to stay connected to their dispersed colleagues while at the same time exerting a positive influence on those they lead.
Read MoreStaying Connected with a Dispersed Workforce
Leaders face significant challenges as they attempt to stay connected to their dispersed colleagues while at the same time exerting a positive influence on those they lead.
Read MoreWhat Can I Learn About My Reactivity?
What Can I Learn About My Reactivity? The positive, healthy kind that keeps us alive and flourishing and hyperreactivity that
Continue Reading “What Can I Learn About My Reactivity?”
Read MoreVUCA – It’s Been Around for Awhile
Recently, very challenging situations have been labeled VUCA challenges highlighting that the systems-level solutions must simultaneously deal with volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.
Read MoreBalance the Seesaw
VUCA challenges often have immediate and long-term consequences that are far-reaching in scope. VUCA challenges are system-level challenges in that the causes, impacts, and solutions require thinking and acting from a perspective that considers both natural and manmade systems.
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