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Check in on practices that will help you keep Resilient Leadership top of mind. Learn how to “SEE”, “THINK” and “LEAD” in the world of emotional systems that encircles everything we do. Visit this page often or subscribe below for automatic updates sent to your e-mail.
Balcony Thinking: Seeing the Forest for the Trees
Despite having exciting, meaningful projects to work on—wonderful big things—I’ve struggled to gain perspective.
Read MoreTake Heart: The Path to Resilience in Turbulent Times
When we travel, we decide what items to pack based on the journey. Physical luggage is finite: it has a set size and a defined capacity.
Read MoreThe Baggage We Carry
When we travel, we decide what items to pack based on the journey. Physical luggage is finite: it has a set size and a defined capacity.
Read MoreBuild Your Listening Mojo
There is so much that calls for our attention: Information is flooding our inboxes and our social media, not to mention the steady flow of communications from professional colleagues and from our inner circles of family and friends.
Read MoreA Sturdy Family Root System
He provided great strength for our family root system, and his influence touched each family member in a different, yet impactful way.
Read MoreMiddle Managers – the “Unsung Heroes of Our Age”
Managing the performance of others can be a source of chronic anxiety at any level of leadership. Those in the position of Middle Manager often feel they are stuck between “a rock and a hard place.”
Read MoreLearn RL: Weekly Insights, Viewpoints, & Resources
Follow our weekly updates for insights and practices offered by our Certified RL Coaches and Trainers. Learn with and from these RL experts as they work to deepen their knowledge and practice of Resilient Leadership.
Exhausted? Burned Out? Frustrated? You may be Overfunctioning!
I learned a “new way of seeing.” I learned that over and under-functioning is anxiety driven and a reciprocal phenomenon. In other words, if I overfunction at work or in family life, others will under function…
Read MoreRichard McLaughlin Shares His Story About Managing Toxic Triangles to Solve Complex Problems and Reduce Chronic Anxiety
Business Leaders are tasked with solving complex and intriguing challenges almost daily. In this edition of the RL Spotlight, a client of ours, Richard McLaughlin, shares his story of a significant challenge he faced and how…
Read MoreStep-Down Transformer and A Life Threatening Mountain Emergency
Discover how leaders are applying Resilient Leadership principles in their lives and how it’s helping them rise above the turbulent forces of today’s emotional challenges, enough to even save a life!
Read MoreGetting to the Core of Self-Differentiation
The growing complexity of an evolving brain suddenly reached a tipping point that made us capable not only of consciousness—the ability to sense and interact with our environment—but of self-consciousness.
Read MoreBridgette Theurer Discusses Over-functioning
Over Functioning – To think, feel or act for another person in a way that erodes that person’s capacity for ownership or effective action. Watch this short video of Bridgette Theurer as she shares important insights about Over Functioning and learn more about how you can avoid this trap in your life.
Read MoreHow to Break the Cycle of the Damaging Effects of a VUCA World
In early 2020 we entered the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) world big time. These four words, which are borrowed from the description of the world at the end of the Cold War by the US military, certainly apply to today’s highly anxious 24/7 COVID world as well.
Read MoreStaying Resilient in a Time of Uncertainty
Bridgette Theurer Presents “Staying Resilient in a Time of Uncertainty” Resilient Leadership Partner, Bridgette Theurer, recently made a presentation to
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Read MoreWhat makes me so anxious in my leadership role these days?
Are you headed for a really challenging moment? Or day? Or year? Are you about to come face-to-face with a potentially volatile situation? A situation filled with uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity? A situation that you have not faced before. Welcome to your VUCA World.
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