The course on Resilient Leadership in an Anxious World introduces participants to the basics of the Resilient Leadership model, a uniquely powerful resource that equips leaders to understand the complex, hidden chemistry of organizations.
Participants will learn how the ability to “think emotional systems” empowers leaders at any level of an organization to rise above the turbulence of today’s chaotic, anxious world and lead others with calm, clarity, and conviction.
People trained and coached in the Resilient Leadership Model
People trained and coached in the Resilient Leadership Model
Over 37+ Experts
How it Works
Understand the 3 pillars of the Resilient Leadership Model, which are a new way of seeing, thinking, and leading.
20 Hours
3-5 hr./week
100% Online
The Resilient Leadership in an Anxious World online course provides a fresh, insightful, and innovative understanding of how to exercise leadership in a powerfully transformative way.
Over 37+ Experts
How it Works
Showcase your digital badge to show mastery of Resilient Leadership best practices on your resume, LinkedIn profile, and other sites.
3-5 hr./week
20 Hours
100% Online
The Resilient Leadership in an Anxious World Certificate is a fresh, insightful, and innovative understanding of how to exercise leadership in a way that is powerfully transformative.
Some People We've Coached and/or Trained
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