Revolutionize Your Leadership Approach with 6 Valuable Lessons

60-Minute Webinars

Join Christine Kopec on December 6th at 1:00 PM Eastern as she offers insightful guidance on how to manage emotional triangles. Christine will help us learn to see, think, and lead ourselves and others in ways that build awareness, enrich relationships, and open the pathway to greater collaboration. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Managing Triangles is one of the key dimensions of Resilient Leadership.

Revolutionize Your Leadership Approach with 6 Valuable Lessons

60-Minute Webinars

Join Christine Kopec on December 6th at 1:00 PM Eastern as she offers insightful guidance on how to manage emotional triangles. Christine will help us learn to see, think, and lead ourselves and others in ways that build awareness, enrich relationships, and open the pathway to greater collaboration. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Managing Triangles is one of the key dimensions of Resilient Leadership.

What's Covered?

(6) Individual Units of Reslient Leadership
  • A New Way of Seeing
  • Being a Step-Down Transformer
  • Staying Connected
  • Leading with Conviction
  • Balancing the See-saw
  • Managing Triangles

Explore Resilient Leadership

Jim Burns begins the series by introducing the basic concepts of Resilient Leadership - Stay Calm, Stay Connected, and Stay the Course. These three concepts are the framework from which Resilient Leaders act to effectively manage their own reactive tendencies and to lead others. The more aware we become of the emotional systems around us, the more effective we will become in our interactions with others. We can be at our best.

What's Covered?

(6) Individual Units of Reslient Leadership
  • A New Way of Seeing
  • Being a Step-Down Transformer
  • Staying Connected
  • Leading with Conviction
  • Balancing the See-saw
  • Managing Triangles

Explore Resilient Leadership

Jim Burns begins the series by introducing the basic concepts of Resilient Leadership - Stay Calm, Stay Connected, and Stay the Course. These three concepts are the framework from which Resilient Leaders act to effectively manage their own reactive tendencies and to lead others. The more aware we become of the emotional systems around us, the more effective we will become in our interactions with others. We can be at our best.

OCTOBER 2023 — Recorded!

November 2023 — Recorded!

December 2023 — Recorded!

Lead with Conviction

Balance the See-saw

Managing Triangles

Melanie Palmisano describes how leaders who lead with conviction make a difference in helping others navigate challenging times while making a huge difference in outcomes. Leading with conviction prepares us when overwhelmed by chaos or surprised by sabotage. Staying calm, staying the course, and staying connected help leaders navigate the waters to act boldly in increasing complexity and escalating change.
RL Certified Coach and Trainer, Faith Schneider is leading the next Webinar on Over/Under-Functioning, what we refer to as Balance the See-Saw of emotional dynamics. Over-functioning, is “to think, feel, or act for another in a way that erodes their capacity for ownership or thoughtful action.” It is not just about doing for others; it includes overthinking and/or overfeeling for others in a way that interferes with their progress in becoming a capable and durable self.
Christine Kopec offers insightful guidance on how to manage emotional triangles. As we move through our days, we often become anxious as events around us unfold.  How we respond to these events will make all the difference to those in our circles of influence. Christine will help us learn to see, think, and lead ourselves and others in ways that build awareness, enrich relationships, and open the pathway to greater collaboration.

OCTOBER 2023 — Recorded!

Lead with Conviction

Melanie Palmisano describes how leaders who lead with conviction make a difference in helping others navigate challenging times while making a huge difference in outcomes. Leading with conviction prepares us when overwhelmed by chaos or surprised by sabotage. Staying calm, staying the course, and staying connected help leaders navigate the waters to act boldly in increasing complexity and escalating change.

NOVEMBER 2023 — Recorded!

Balance the See-saw

RL Certified Coach and Trainer Faith Schneider is leading the next Webinar on Over/Under-Functioning, what we refer to as Balance the See-Saw of emotional dynamics. Over-functioning is “to think, feel, or act for another in a way that erodes their capacity for ownership or thoughtful action.” It is not just about doing for others; it includes overthinking and/or overfeeding for others in a way that interferes with their progress in becoming a capable and durable self.

DECEMBER 2023 — Recorded!

Managing Triangles

Christine Kopec offers insightful guidance on how to manage emotional triangles. As we move through our days, we often become anxious as events around us unfold.  How we respond to these events will make all the difference to those in our circles of influence. Christine will help us learn to see, think, and lead ourselves and others in ways that build awareness, enrich relationships, and open the pathway to greater collaboration.

How You Show up Matters

An Introduction to Resilient Leadership (RL)
  • Resilient Leadership Training and Coaching provides people with the tools they need to remain calm, stay on course and stay connected to the important people they lead, even in anxious times triggered by increasing complexity and accelerating change.
  • Resilient Leaders lead from strength. They know how to care for themselves emotionally, spiritually, and physically and they can sustain their leadership methods over time.
  • Resilient Leadership is based on our thorough research and 25+ years of continual refinement of our leadership training and coaching model and services.
The Resilient Leadership Path

The Resilient Leadership series offers new insights into the cause and impact of actions, interactions, and reactions within emotional systems, especially when anxiety is high.

  • Unit 1: New Way of Seeing (Intro to RL)
  • Unit 2: Be a Step-Down Transformer (Less Anxious Presence)
  • Unit 3: Stay Connected
  • Unit 4: Lead with Conviction
  • Unit 5: Balance the See-saw (Over/Under Functioning)
  • Unit 6: Managing Triangles
Resilient Leadership Units (all units begin at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time) Date:
1 A New Way of Seeing (Intro to RL) July 12, 2023
2 Be a Step-Down Transformer August 2, 2023
3 Stay Connected September 6, 2023
4 Lead with Conviction October 4, 2023
5 Balance the Seesaw November 1, 2023
6 Managing Triangles December 6, 2023
Resilient Leadership Units
(all units begin at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time)
1 A New Way of Seeing (Intro to RL) July 12, 2023
2 Be a Step-Down Transformer August 2, 2023
3 Stay Connected September 6, 2023
4 Lead with Conviction October 4, 2023
5 Balance the Seesaw November 1, 2023
6 Managing Triangles December 6, 2023
Immerse yourself in Resilient Leadership principles