RL Self-Assessment Results

Thank you {Name (First):38.3} for your interest in the Resilient Leadership Self-Assessment.

Your responses to these 15 statements offer you the opportunity to think about what kind of leader you are—and wish to become—from the perspective of the Resilient Leadership model. Taken together, they can give you a measure of the extent to which your behaviors reflect those of a Resilient Leader, someone who embraces a “New Way of SEEING, THINKING, and LEADING”. We define Resilient Leadership as “the capacity to lead with calm, clarity and conviction in the midst of the anxiety provoked by increasing complexity and accelerating change.” Resilient leaders are able to maintain a healthy balance in the three key areas that characterize well-differentiated leaders: Less Anxious Presence, Lead with Conviction, and Stay Connected. The RL Self-Assessment surveys your typical behaviors in these three dimensions—all of them proven by solid research to be essential for leadership success.

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