4 Penetrating Questions for Leaders in a VUCA World

By James Moyer - Resilient Leadership Partner

Developing Leaders in a VUCA WorldAre you headed for a really challenging moment? Or day? Or year?

Are you about to come face-to-face with a potentially volatile situation? A situation filled with uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity? A situation that you have not faced before. Welcome to your VUCA World.

A first thought might be to avoid the VUCA challenge altogether. Not possible? Then how about working to minimize it, hand it off to someone else, go around it, overcome it. Not possible?


Here is a new idea. Penetrate it. Look into the depth of the VUCA challenge to find the system level factors that are driving the situation. Look for points of leverage that will help you untie the knot that is at the core of the VUCA challenge.

Start with these 4 Penetrating Questions:

  1. (Volatility): How can the volatility of the challenge we face be used to our advantage?
  2. (Uncertainty): How can we anticipate, embrace and prepare for the uncertainty inherent in the system?
  3. (Complexity): How can I define my/our perspective so that the complexity of the challenge is envisioned as an asset and not a liability?
  4. (Ambiguity): How can I loosen my requirement for predictability so that ambiguity does not matter?

Be Less Anxious,
Stay Connected
Stay the Course.

Resilient Leadership Development, LLC has an extensive background in preparing and coaching Leaders in a VUCA world. Learn more about the RL team.

About the Author...

Jim Moyer

James Moyer is a founding member of Resilient Leadership, LLC, and is the co-author with Bob Duggan of the book Resilient Leadership. Jim is an Executive Coach and strategic planning and organizational development consultant with over 30 years experience in for-profit, not-for-profit, and government organizations.